Awaiting Governor Cooper’s signature is SB 445 which modifies NCGS § 15A-146. The new proposed law permits an unlimited number of expunctions for charges which were dismissed or disposed of by a finding of “not guilty” or “not responsible” as long as that person has not sustained a felony conviction. This is a major modification of the law which previously required that no previous expunctions had been granted and the dismissals must have occurred within a 12-month period or within the same court session.
Additionally, a person may file a petition for expunction of a nonviolent misdemeanor or nonviolent felony conviction if the person has no other misdemeanor or felony convictions. Non-violent felony convictions can be expunged 10 years after the conviction date or when any active sentence, period of probation, and post-release supervision has been served, whichever occurs later. Nonviolent misdemeanor convictions may be expunged after 5 years after the conviction date or probation or post-release supervision completion. This is a substantial reduction from the current waiting period of 15 years. (NCGS § 15A-145.5) Once signed, this law will be effective on December 1, 2017.
Update: This bill was signed into law and takes effect December 1. 2017.